Friday, October 25, 2019

Not yet

Sex? More or less I guess, but I still can't sleep beside anyone else. 


The boy is sitting still over there hoping someone will recognize him and tell him who he is.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Like This

She showed him himself, inside, something like a map of his circulatory system.  His arteries, veins, capillaries carrying blood full of oxygen and nutrients through his tense musculature.

She showed him herself, in the form of a serpent, her body the same shape as his arteries. She entered his system and, as she moved through his blood vessels, his tension was released.

When she'd passed all the way through, he felt relaxed for the first time in memory. 

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Personal Unconscious

Jung said there were little dreams
and big dreams

the little ones come from the personal unconscious

and the big dreams come from the cosmic unconscious
mind - the archetypal, universal stuff

well, I dreamed of being in the compound of one of my
punk rock idols this morning

he was like Richie Rich, guiding a small group tour,
showing off his boxing ring, tennis courts, etc.

i was pretty stiff and probably afraid of saying
something dumb

anyway, that was a little dream.

after my shower this morning something inside me said,
"life is love and loss, if you have the courage"

well, do you?

Friday, October 18, 2019

Little Dream

Returning now to drowsiness
and silence here, the leaves dropping faster,
little interest in keeping company with others.

That's just now. No need to call it anything or generalize it.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Fall Spring

I didn't bathe in the spring
with the other naked people
where I'd seen that frog floating
motionless but attentive
the morning after the first frost.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

This Day

The yellow wood
peak foliage time
a day with my boy
not so young now
neither one

Friday, October 4, 2019

Good bed

Back in my own bed this morning, which I do not feel like leaving, but I've got to buy a sleeping bag and rain gear for this weekend in Maine. It's colder than I'd like, and wet, but there it is. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

There's got to be a little rain

The cough I inherited from my daughter on the drive down is getting worse. Today was spent driving in a foul mood that never broke. I don't know what to attribute it to. Drove up through the bone dry hills and mountains of Tennessee, Kentucky and West Virginia. Suffered some sort of loss of meaning. What am I doing out here? Depressed by snack cakes and energy drinks , CBD and adult bookstores, CWD and  AR-15s , Jesus and personal injury lawyers.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Thing Of The Past

She was a very nice lady - sweet, polite, went out of her way to make me feel comfortable. She said racism here ended in the 1950s or 60s. She said "integration or whatever it's called" is a thing of the past. I think she meant segregation.

She said, now blacks down here want government handouts just for being who they are. The more kids they have, the more money they make. If one of them happens to die while left in the backseat of a sweltering car, they just make another one.

She said something has to be done, those goddamn Democrats just want to fight everybody.

Driving North

Leaving New Orleans this morning for Hattiesburg, Mississippi.
I want to see the place as a backdrop and imagine her in the frame.