Sunday, August 1, 2021

Recuperating not hibernating

That thing overtook me again yesterday. 

Fatigue, exhaustion or whatever. It always feels the same - hollow, weak and like there's an impenetrable tangle of tumbleweeds in my brain. I took to my bed some time in the afternoon and didn't come back out until this morning. I got a lot of sleep. 

Of course, now I feel shaky and weak, but at least that tangle has cleared. For awhile I thought this was a side effect of laziness and inactivity, that if I just picked up the pace I'd adapt and it would clear. Now, I'm wondering if it's a lingering Covid effect or maybe Lyme disease. Well, I guess if you live long enough, eventually you catch a case. 

The male hummingbird is making passes by the window. The feeder has gone dry and he's letting me know.

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