Saturday, October 28, 2017

Fair Is Fair

They gave me a skinny red
Saint to pray to, they told
Me if I asked her she would
Disrupt your present love
And bring you back to me.
I read the spell, but I never
Spoke the words.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Yellow October

A warm rainy night
in yellow October,
warm enough to leave
the slider open and to
listen to the drops on
what's left of the leaves.

I can still imagine you
here with me, lying still,
also listening in the dark,
me believing in

Monday, October 9, 2017


Out of a job
on a Monday morning
and I could get used to
staying in bed, not being
embarrassed to say I have
no current drive or ambition,
just listening to time pass
not playing the mandated
game of debt accumulation in
the service of someone else's wealth.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

In the wind

Another change - drastic, sudden
and unwelcome. I am tired now
with no will to scrap.

Monday, October 2, 2017

October things

A cold morning
and a taste of things to come
winters have been hard on me
lately, the last couple anyway,
I'm sickened by the cycle.

Been worried about fathering
About not doing so, not being there,
the absence. Yesterday, we cut the
top off a pumpkin, removed it's
cold guts with our hands, separated
washed and roasted the seeds. This
time I didn't rush, was careful and
they did not burn.

The youngest called it a successful day.