Sunday, January 1, 2017

Methadone Crow

Tried to take a nap, the quiet end of the overnight shift,
On the cement floor, single blanket and pillow brought from home,
Space heater not stepping up to the plate, but I must have fallen asleep 
Anyway because I woke with bed head and that disoriented feeling
Inside my head that makes me think of crushed glass.

Outside it was still dark and the parking lot was full of cars
Coming in and going out, brake lights and head lights, people bustling about
The frenetic, industrious feel of a morning commuter coffee shop, 
It didn't make any sense at first, but then it clicked, it's the clinic..

People stopping in for their morning dose before their day begins
Methadone (Dunkin Donuts) or Suboxone (Starbucks)
Some of the people were dressed up, girls in cute winter attire,
Everyone was moving with purpose.

My muddled head ached and I noticed
A black crow standing in the new snow
Taking it all in and then looking at me 
Like it wanted to say something.

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