Wednesday, July 10, 2019

July 10, 2019

At 6am I woke to the alarm and a natural urge to urinate following a good night's sleep with the fan going and the slider open.

Walking past the screen and looking out, I found myself a few feet from a doe and her fawn who were both staring at me. We watched each other for a couple of minutes like that, and I talked quietly to them while I peed, but the sound of the trickle startled the fawn who made a little hop behind his/her mom. They faded slowly into the green leaves.

Good morning I said to the Snake Plant and the Bamboo perched closed to the window in the other room. New sprouts are breaking through in the Snake Plant's three inch pot. I think I'll need to repot it soon. 

There's still enough food for the hummingbirds, but I should probably change it out tomorrow because it's been pretty hot. I put two feeders up this year, and the pair in residence opt for the more private one. I think it's the same male -that single guy who was here last year - but he's remarried. I don't see them as much as I did that first year.  I guess they're a little more shy or maybe I'm a little less approachable.

Driving around the corner on my way to work, four or five baby cottontail rabbits scramble like the Keystone Cops to get out of the road.

Tonight the fireflies welcomed me home sparking just enough to let me know they are many and that I don't really live alone at all.

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