Monday, January 13, 2020



Just before sunset, I was walking in San Angelo State Park when I came upon what appeared to be a cow with wide horns grazing among the mesquite. It looked thin and somehow wild to me.  I also knew she was a cow despite the horns. She was neither fearful or comfortable, but remained wary. As I watched her, something else pulled at my attention. I shifted my gaze a few feet, and found the bull, standing tall and facing me squarely.

Message received.

I spoke quietly and walked backward slowly. He did not advance. As dusk settled onto us, and I faded into a comfortable distance, two calves emerged from the brush sprinting around in a circle, playing together.


He walked the 150 miles from Fort Worth to Abilene over three days and nights. Some would say the journey took place during a manic episode, and that he would have to be psychotic to undertake such a venture. I told him I admired him for it. He carried no water and did not stop to sleep. He said it was only him and God out there, and God showed him the way.

I didn't tell him this, but I felt ready to embark immediately.


Someone gave me a copy of the daily local newspaper today. I glanced at the headline while driving. It was the agenda for an upcoming city council meeting. One of the items listed was "Sanctuary City", and I found myself surprised that such a progressive discussion was underway here. Upon closer examination, I saw that it was a proposal to become a Sanctuary City for the Unborn. Now that figures. I started thinking about some of the poor young Post-Born I'd  seen in town that the Council seemed a bit less concerned about. My thoughts went sour from there.

On the next page of the newspaper, my horoscope read:

"It is the aim of your side to suppress evil and uphold the virtuous. The aim of the other side is exactly the same. The only differences are differences of definition. Of course, that is everything".

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