Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Let's wait

Something about sublingual medication and subliminal fields, but most of it is forgotten while transitioning from dreaming to writing. Taunton is my destination today as billionaires arrange themselves to plunder further what there is left to plunder. They don't perceive limits while we, on the other side, are constantly restrained by them. What am I on about? I'm not sure. Muddy water obscures the shallows.

My car has had a bent front left rim for a couple of years now. It's the direct result of hitting a guard rail while executing a turn and falling asleep simultaneously. That's definitely not a best practice, and I do not recommend it. Too many jobs and not enough sleep back then.

Anyway, I still drive that car. It's got very close to 300,000 miles on it. The rim is still bent.  The bent rim caused a leak in the seal so I have to fill the tire with air at least once a week. I guess I could order a new rim, but it's an older model, so it's supposed to be hard to find. I haven't tried. You get pretty good at limping after a while. Then it just becomes the way you walk. 

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