Sunday, March 15, 2020

Ante Meridian

The light wakes me again at just about 7 a.m.. It's a good way to wake up. I'm breathing freely and grateful for that, but I woke twice during the night with kind of a tickle in my throat. Got something to drink, thinking maybe I'm just dry, and went back to sleep. It's still there this morning though but faintly.

I picked up my son yesterday. We went out to breakfast in a not very busy place, walked around town, played Uno and drank bubble tea in a nearly deserted place, spent some time checking out books and DVDs in the public library because it's about to close for two weeks along with his school, went to a second fairly busy restaurant for a late lunch and then I dropped him off at the theater where he met his friend to go to the movies.

During breakfast one of his friends called and said his Mom wasn't letting him go to the movies because the first Covid 19 case has been confirmed at the regional high school in town. I googled it and found the town's website which said, as of that morning, there were no confirmed or suspected cases yet. Last night, I learned it was indeed true - a presumed positive high school student. So now the throat tickle seems a little more significant.

Last night, I talked to two Greeks in Worcester - brothers. They run a small pizza place, told me their business is down drastically in the last week. They're getting worried.

A Facebook friend in Hong Kong sent out a meme saying gargling with salt water or vinegar during the first four days of the virus, when it's living in the throat and before it drops into the lungs, will kill it. Ridiculous, I thought, before I went to sleep.

This morning I'm trying to remember how old the cider vinegar in the cabinet is.

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