Thursday, March 5, 2020


Walked for an hour and a half this afternoon down through the woods and around the pond. It's a bright day, warm for early March, and the sun and the moon share the sky. A bald eagle glided from the tree tops above me out over the lake where it circled high while I stopped and watched. That's the first one I've ever seen around here, and seeing it stirred something in me.

Later, I left the trail to walk through a stand of very tall maples and came upon a big porcupine rooting aggressively in the leaves. It picked something up in it's hands, sat back, and brought the morsel to its mouth. It ate with efficient ferocity, tearing whatever it was with a quick jerk of its head like you might do while eating beef jerky. There were fewer than ten yards between us, and it never noticed me there or simply didn't care.

A few minutes later, I came out of the woods on to the road and found what might have been its mate in the ditch among a winter's worth of strewn nips, beer cans, and empty pints of Mr. Boston. Too bad. But it was otherwise a good outing.

The walking, the sunshine, being in nature (of which, I remembered, I am a part) - everything feels different now. 

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