Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Outer Life

Yesterday was the suicide thing.

Handgun access + alcohol + domestic argument = sudden, irreversible death + shattered loved ones.

A few people came in to talk. They're worried about all kinds of things - coronavirus, work performance, addicted kids, relationships drama, panic attacks, pet deaths - and now they're trying to figure out how to carry this too.

Talked to them about focusing on basics. Small steps. Drink water, eat well, avoid excessive drug and alcohol use, exercise, sleep, stay connected to the people closest to you, be kind to yourself, look out for each other. Grief looks like all kinds of things. Grief will do what it must.

After, I tried to just go with the flow of bovine rush hour traffic to the polling place. No road raging today. Working cases like this, I'm always reminded how hard it is for everyone. The days in which you pass unscathed are actually the exception. Why make trouble?

Voted for the candidate I like and for major systemic change. That is to say, heartbreak. We will likely loosely coalesce uneasily around mediocrity in the end. Change is often slow and not what you'd hoped, but someone has to believe it's possible and push it forward.

Hadn't eaten more than a cup of coffee all day, so I went to the Chinese restaurant in town and ordered egg foo yung, beef teriyaki, scallion pancakes. A little light on the vegetables, but what the hell. Stopped at the corner store for a six pack.

At home, the mailbox extends credit offers and loan offers. I decline them all into the recycling. At the table, I tear into the food packages and wolf it all down. When I'm finished, I look at all the spent plastic, see colossal landfills in my mind's eye, acres of it on the surface of the ocean, baby belugas with their guts full of it.

The fortune cookie reminds me that success is a team effort.

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