Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Signs and Portents


A sixth positive case was revealed on my job site yesterday, but that person had not been in the building for over a week which is before I started. Five of the six are recovering well at home. I was drowsy all day, low energy, and thought I felt a strange buzzing in my sinuses. After work, a long postponed trip to the nearly empty laundromat and some chicken curry to go.

"Stay healthy," the man said. But by 10 pm, I was pretty certain I was getting sick. At midnight, I woke up parched and got up for water. Two owls were making a hell of a racket in the trees tops in back. Mating season - birds are establishing territory, nesting, coupling. Not me.

I watched a couple of episodes of a TV show on my laptop. One of them featured a professor explaining Hieronymus Bosch's Garden of Earthly Delights to a detective

On the edge of the painting was a naked man embracing an owl that was much bigger than the man. The owl stared evenly out at the viewer. The professor explained that the owl was a symbol of evil, and the painting was ultimately about man's choice to embrace it.

Now, it's becoming quite clear that I've got evil itself raising hell in my backyard and a fever coming on. Not good. But eventually sleep carried me off, and I woke this morning without perceptible symptoms.

Except for the curry insisting to leave.


Wondering how many Americans understand that so many of the essential workers keeping us fed are women who have brown skin, speak Spanish, bring home their family's only income, are not only head of the family living under their roof but also the rock for the rest of the family back in their country of origin. They have no one to lean on and everyone to be strong for. Self-quarantine, for them, means two weeks without a paycheck. But they are also afraid to bring this virus from their work place home to their families. They have no real options.


Tonight the full pink moon rose before the sun could even set.

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