Monday, June 29, 2020

William Hurt?

William Hurt was drunk in his sleeping bag talking. We were sheltering in a giant barn. The stalls were haphazardly filled with campers and sleeping farm animals. His stall was stage lit, and his drunken monologue started to sound more like performance. I walked up closer to hear better.

Then I woke up and read some of my book.

The traveler in South America on his bicycle had more visitors and made more friends in the 20 pages I read than I have had or made in five years. Part of the reason for this is dispositional. He is an extrovert: highly social, does not like being alone and takes action to avoid it. I'm an introvert: social to an extent but not much for groups, don't necessarily like being alone but prefer it to uncomfortable interaction. Being alone is not something I work to avoid and it is where I come to rest.

I started feeling lonely though. Fell back asleep in fits and starts dreaming various interactions with imaginary people. Putting a gift watch on someone's wrist. Talking with people.

In my own life, I can't pick up the phone. I stay home when I could visit.

Oh well. Time to go to work.

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