Saturday, July 11, 2020

Keep a log

1. Slept in. Taxes for real today. That's the plan. I dreamed of the black bear, who keeps tipping over the bird bath, giving me a bad time in the house. It's a metaphor for the fucking taxes. Or maybe that sucker's about to get mean.

2. They found a few enormous objects out there in deep space. Scientists don't know what they are. I have an idea. Meanwhile, white supremacists in the White House. The most foul of us making their little asshole hand gesture for the camera, proud to be part of the club. Douche bags with tiki torches and white polos, boogaloo twits in Hawaiian shirts. Viral Regulator, make us clean.

Yes, I'm procrastinating still. I'm in the process of monetizing my everything. Pay to view. Pay to listen. Pay to live.

3. Evening arrives. I made coffee. Made something to eat and ate it. Took a bath (I haven't sat in a bathtub in a very long time). I thought a lot about doing my taxes. I got within a foot of the female hummingbird,  only the window between us. Meanwhile, the squirrels defeated the baffle again. I'm going to coat the duct tape in hot sauce this time and baste the pole with canola oil.

4. The five hindrances: Desire, Anger, Sloth, Agitation and Doubt. Here I was thinking I was living alone and celibate when all the while I've been laying with them. Sometimes, all at once.

5. She worked in a place above the river. I came upon it after leaving it's banks. She had a bad cough and a wonderful laugh. She worked six days a week, twelve hours a day, plus all the time it took to thoroughly clean the place. Her dream was to learn to dance latin style. On her day off, Sunday, she watched them in their costumes on You Tube dancing fiercely in competition. Studying the footwork. Practicing alone in her room. Willing herself there.

Later, I found a Latin dance studio in that small city. They had classes but not on Sundays. Besides, I wear a size 14 shoe.

6. Before God, the ancestors, mother, father(s); I am ashamed. But then again tomorrow is just an extension of today.

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