Thursday, November 19, 2020

Setting up the morning.

Yes. Affirmative. Today I'm going to will into existence a productive day. I'm going to get shit done. The coffee is made. I've read the e-mails to prepare for parent teacher conferences this afternoon. I know when my three phone conferences are today, and I have a list of priorities to accomplish beyond those. 

This morning is the first really cold one - single digits. I forgot to empty the cement birdbath yesterday. Ice can crack it. Need to get a shallow plastic one and put a little water in every day. It ain't easy for a bird in winter to find water, or to do anything really.

This morning I washed this pretty stoneware dish you intended to hold my sponges and things next to the kitchen sink. You brought it over in the days when we'd unsealed my tomb, cleared out some of the dust, bought some new bedding and imposed a little order on my apathetic chaos. That dish is a beautiful detail. A symbol of a thought for me and an effort you made to pull me out of the muck. I treasure it. 

Harsh conditions. Remember that? It's almost as cold as that this morning, but I've got plenty of oil this time should you come over at 3 AM. 

The rituals I practiced - leaving the outside light on, making sure things were shoveled out and not too icy, leaving the door unlocked, keeping candles at the ready, hoping you would be standing there when I opened my eyes.  Magical thinking. Magic of the best kind. 

I miss you happily today.

I hope you are well and not working in the proximity of this Covid monster and the ignorant mask-hating population every day. There are blue jays out there this morning. I'd like to be frying us some eggs. 

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