Wednesday, February 3, 2021


I dreamed I'd won the lottery. All of the numbers in the exact order. The final figure hadn't yet been tabulated, but it was many millions. Each time I woke during the night I'd remind myself not to lose the ticket. I'd remind myself not to forget that I'd won, and that everything was going to be better than alright soon. Just don't tell anyone. I also dreamed I'd driven a car up a mountain to its rocky summit. Somehow I'd lost the road. Now I'm on the summit, the descent is incredibly steep, and there is absolutely no way to drive a car down. What goes up, can't get down. I also dreamed of riding in a car with a member of the royal family, and this young guy, who I was somehow responsible for, was driving. He was driving at highway speeds through some sort of construction site which also had no discernible road. I tried not to call the driver out in front of the dignitary on board, hoping he knew what he was doing and thinking that maybe I was being too cautious. But he didn't know what he was doing, and I finally had to yell at him causing him to hit the breaks in time to just barely avert disaster. I also dreamed that my younger siblings were destroying a playhouse. Physically they were adults, but their personalities were those of young children. One of my sisters nearly hit me with a thrown panel from the roof. There were other dreams too, but I forgot them while I was writing this. The lottery ticket is nowhere to be found.

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