Tuesday, February 16, 2021

The voodoo that we do

Texas has apparently been nominated the seventh New England state. Actually, it's quite a bit warmer here in New England for the moment. I'm worried about some people down there and feel like I should be there helping them. At least shivering with them. This morning started out icy, at just barely 32 degrees, and I took care to shuffle down the driveway, so as not misalign my other arm, down to my completely ice-glazed, high-mileage, Korean chariot. It warmed a few degrees and became less hazardous as I descended from the highlands and made my way to work. The car's radio told me that some people - I imagine them as the propagandists for the Apocalypse - are blaming the failure of the hungry Texas grid on wind power and renewable energy when in the real reality the power plants that went off line were primarily coal and natural gas fed. Rattling death's heads, on and on and on. At work, a lot of people were anxious to leave after being locked in for a long weekend so it was a bit of a sprint to get them out. The toxicity of a particular personality revealed itself over the course of a few hours making me glad - as I am most of the time - to be just passing through. A capricious decision turned someone's day from an I'm-going-home-today-! kind of a day to an I'm-staying-here-against-my-will-why?-because-we-said-so kind of day. All in a day's work. Oppression is the grout and the glue. We know better than you do. 

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