Thursday, October 12, 2023

Look forward not back, I'm told

My living room isn't living, actually, and no one else has lived in it for quite some time. 

There's a couch there underneath a shapeless slip cover that a former roommate left behind. When moving it to clean the floor, I found evidence that mice had taken up residence within. Whether or not they are current tenants, I cannot say, but they've lived in there sometime in the last ten years. There's a corner TV cabinet built to house an old analog television with a screen no larger than 24 inches, I'd guess. I bought it unfinished at a mill store, and my then wife and I stained it together. I remember feeling proud and accomplished for buying, with cash, a piece of our very own furniture and doing some work on it with my own hands to make it a part of our home. It serves no purpose now, except to fill space, and I don't yet know what to do about it. There's a carpet that my then wife bought at some point during the last 20 years. It still looks alright, but I decided recently that I need to make some physical changes in order to get some life energy flowing in and through this place so today I rolled it up and with it all that history like a corpse now awaiting illicit disposal. Then there's the dust and mildew infested rattan blinds over the picture window. That needs to go. There's an old bedspread hanging over the second picture window that allows me to walk to the shower in a state of undress without the neighbors involvement. It's unsightly - the hanging bedspread - but provides a certain crack house utility. I may need a consultant to help me replace those. The number of options for window treatments these days is bewildering. There's a disconnected big screen TV that my youngest son lobbied my now ex-wife for. She wasn't using it and we needed something to watch movies on when he came over. He'll be turning 18 in a couple of weeks. There's a faux leather couch and chair that her parents bought us years ago, shaming me in the process, which my former shitty roommate's shitty little dog ruined. I solved that problem by purchasing beige Italian slip covers. I'll keep those two "pieces" for the time being because people like to have something to sit on and someday there could be people in here. 

Those are the items that comprise my living room as of today. Now I've got to decide what to give away and what to junk. I burned a sofa and love seat in my backyard once many years ago which my then in-laws had forced upon us. We had no room for them so they turned green while stored in the damp basement. The blaze created treetop high flames and a plume of thick black smoke visible for miles around. The orange-green furnishings burned for quite sometime after I doused them in accelerant to overpower the moisture they were saturated with and to express my moral outrage. Don't tread on me! I won't likely do that this time. Now it's the expense of a dumpster, or a couple of men and a truck, or recruiting some help versus wrecking my back dragging it all out to the street and posting a FREE sign. And then there's the matter of revisiting and letting go of all that history from back when the living room was still alive. 

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