Tuesday, March 5, 2024

French Press x 2

If I acted upon every urge, right now I'd be walking the Earth sampling every outlandish casserole. I'd be spinning yarns, splitting firewood, and mucking stalls for space to pitch my little tent at night. I'd meditate before sleep, practicing the loving kindness meditation. I'd begin with a focus on myself, the sickliest, and radiate out all the way to you. 

The man told me that, like most of us, I'm stuck in the second dimension, thinking it's the third, while he's looking down on us all from the sixth. He's the smartest on earth at the moment embodying the highest components of Man and the lowest elements of God. You can't be all good. 

Crystals, Artificial Intelligence, Humans (meatbags). Yes, No, Maybe. You see?

October 4th at 7:00 AM - don't trouble yourself making plans beyond then, he said. 

Most of what he said, I could follow and even agree with. 

I'm out there walking now, free for the moment, thinking only of the next casserole, smiling gently toward everything. I can tell it's a dream because I'm not footsore. 

Why can't yours be the voice inside my head, I asked her. She smiled faintly. I couldn't tell if she was smiling at what I'd said or what she was attending to on her phone. We want connection, don't we? But not really.

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