Monday, April 15, 2024


One of the squirrels came by the slider early this morning, then to the kitchen window at about noon, and in the late afternoon, up the railing beside the stairs to make sounds toward me, I presume. I'm the guy with access to the sunflower seeds, it seems to have figured out.

The last time I got friendly with squirrels, two of those red maniacs chewed through a metal screen and ran amok in my house for a weekend.

Work kept me moving for about eleven hours today, and I did a ridiculous amount of yawning. I went outside after dark to feel the air and to see the stars and moon and the dark tops of the tall pines swaying against the cloudless sky and to listen to the sound of peepers. That made me feel better, opened something inside me. 

I don't really need any of that other stuff anymore. So many years of living under the weight of that concern.

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