Monday, May 13, 2024

Happening here

I happened to look out the slider into my backyard this morning as a red fox came by. What a beautiful animal. The squirrels were quiet and safe in the trees flicking their tails in alarm. The fox made his rounds  of the bird feeders then hopped up into the wheel barrow to sniff about and then made his way into the trees. A fast, all-business, pace with finding something to eat its only focus. All here and now awareness. No time at all for rumination or hand wringing. 

Put some birdseed out a little later and listened to the squirrels fighting over it. Kind of pissed me off, the fact that they weren't sharing after nearly being eaten this morning. I took some avocado oil and greased the pole one of the feeders is hanging from thereby limiting the squirrels' access to just the platform feeder. Gives the birds a fighting chance. The squirrels will figure out a way around it in a day or two, but for now, my sanction is imposed. 

Walked slow down a horse trail I'd never been on before after work and tried to contemplate ease. 

Stood barefoot on the cool ground for awhile before coming in for the night. 

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