Thursday, May 23, 2024


Something happened yesterday that raised my spirits after they had fallen somewhat due to my misinterpretation of a situation. I was thinking it was rather ridiculous of me to allow that situation to drag me down to the bottom of the ocean. Why lash myself to an event outside of my control? Haven't you learned anything? I shook my head and allowed myself to feel a little better. And then I went and did it again today - allowed outside circumstances, the actions of other people, to drag me down. A shitty feeling clung to me all day. 

After the work day, I forced myself outside for about a four mile walk. Nature usually helps. 

Today nature was a mixed bag. I noticed the number of black ants in my house is growing. I've been catching them and releasing them outside, but they seem to return in force. My yard is like that too. I let my lawn go a couple of years ago and allowed nature to take its course, and now I'm overrun with briars and poison ivy. There was a hornet in my room today with a deep, all-business, menacing buzz to it. I tried for quite a while to shoe it out the slider. It seemed completely confused between the glass door and the screen so after some time elapsed and as our mutual frustration grew, I blasted it with a neurotoxin. I felt like an asshole immediately upon impact. There was no need for murder. I could have just waited it out. 

This evening, while walking down a humid dirt road, I noticed a small burnt orange colored salamander in one of the lower and wetter stretches. And then I noticed more. I counted twenty-eight of them along my route. I'm thinking it's probably sexy time in the salamander community, but I could not be sure from the expressions on their faces or by the way they moved their bodies. I was very careful where I put my feet down for the rest of the walk though. 

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