Monday, May 27, 2024

The Solution

Stir until dissolved. The solution. Sugar water for the hummingbirds. 

I was playing ceremonial music at the same time. My body was remembering and I started to dance. I felt peace and an opening. 

I remembered being on the deck of the Block Island Ferry with you in the bright sunlight. We were at sea and the wind was still cold despite the nearness of Summer. We were sitting on the deck. You fell asleep leaning against me. I don't know how the singing of my heart didn't wake you, but I was glad it didn't. 

You were, at that moment, the "key stimulus" (as the man on You Tube called it) that unlocked a part of my heart that allowed me to be in love. 

You have to be very strong not to cling to that kind of love and unintentionally kill it. And very strong not to die when that kind of love flies away from you. Would I fare any better today? 

When you feed the hummingbirds, you do it from a place of love. At first, the love you feel is there because the appearance of the hummingbird (and what it means to you) delights you. You prepare the sugar water and you give it generously so that you may see the hummingbird again. 

As you learn and understand more about the vibrant life before you, you realize that sugar water left too long in the heat gives rise to mold. You learn that hummingbirds are susceptible to a disease caused by mold that swells their tongues and makes it impossible for them to swallow. Your heartfelt, but imperfect, love might just kill your beloved in slow agony. 

So I keep my hands to myself now. My heart is waiting for the melody of a different song to arrive. Every couple of days now I clean the feeders thoroughly, prepare a new solution, and replace the nectar. I think about giving a more perfect love. There is such a long way yet to travel.

Cura, cura nuestros corazones.

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