Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Food and other things

The scale tells me that I've lost almost fifteen pounds in twelve days. I'm probably dehydrated from a run last evening so that number is likely optimistic, but still I'm shrinking. I'm getting used to the food restrictions. No sugar, salt, seasonings, caffeine, alcohol, bread (gluten), onions or garlic, citrus, red meat, pork, and no dairy.  I'm eating apples, berries, bananas, nuts, chicken, ground turkey, trout, eggs, potatoes, rice, couscous, corn tortillas, greens and other vegetables. Drinking water and sometimes coconut water for electrolytes. I'm not as achey and moody as I was the first few days, but I still get occasional headaches and feel off balance sometimes. I'm almost half way through. What I miss most is seasoning - flavor. This is true in the rest of my life as well. 

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