Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Morning has broken

The moon was bright last night when I arrived home after spending a little time with my kids and watching my son act in a student film. His teacher was there and she told me that he'd made an experimental film she'd show in a film festival if she had one. It was good to see him absorbed in something. To see the spark in him. I fell asleep peacefully. 

In my dreams, I saw people I'd known in the past. Their faces hardened when they recognized me. Not one was glad to see me. I had a feeling that somehow I'd done nothing but harm all of my life. That's not me now, I wanted to say. 

I woke early. The light in my room is dim and the air feels cool. There's peace here. I don't really want to move and just watch the sun ascend slowly. The heat arrives today. It feels like a ceremony by ordeal is about to begin and I have been fasting and purifying myself in preparation for it. 

When this is over, if we are left alive, I'm thinking of celebrating with my kids and Korean fried chicken.

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