Friday, July 5, 2024


Long drive through Quebec and rugged New Brunswick with next to no traffic today. We stopped at Potato World and learned that New Brunswick produces two out of three of all the world's french fries. Later, Saint John had the look of a rough and ready port city. I liked the feel of the place and the way the people seemed direct and down to earth. We ate good seafood and walked around the town. We stopped into City Hall to see if we might look up my grandfather, but that was not to be. The young woman there did direct us to an archive in the public library and to the Province's office of records. We left in the late afternoon and drove down the entire length of Maine looking out at the scenery. It's the first time we've spent four days in a row together since he was a little boy. He said he really liked seeing things he's never seen before. So do I. 

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