Monday, July 29, 2024

What goes up

And then they (we) inevitably show that we are petty, self-centered, obtuse, rude, selfish, ignorant, profane, unbelievably entitled, vain, fragile-egoed, gossiping, bitter, stupid, vindictive, nosy, melodramatic, destructive, malicious, slanderous and so on. 

That side usually reveals itself shortly after I say something complimentary about them. It's aligned with the mechanism at work behind certain apparent natural laws like the one that says a sure way to lose something is to fall in love with it. 

Like an old Norwegian once told me - Never Get Excited. 

When you venture a little closer to them, it doesn't take you long to remember why you distanced yourself in the first place. 

Equanimity, yo. 

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