Saturday, August 10, 2024



So, I'm further from shore now. I'm deeper into space. Coming back doesn't seem like something I'm going to do. I think I'm just going to continue on. No, I'm definitely continuing on but I wanted to leave you this message first. 

I still love you - even from way out here. When I look out at all the stars around me, I cannot distinguish the way I came or which star among them you are anymore. I release you. And you are all around me.

Out here it's easier to do, letting go and loving at the same time. I don't sink. I arch, lay back in surrender, and something holds me. When I'm like this, loving is the most natural thing to do. You can't really help but do it. It just kind of flows. I wish I could show you how it is here but most of our experience, I've learned, we can only have alone. The experience of connecting, though, we can share.

Anyway, thank you for being. Thank you for smiling at me in this strange place.

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