Saturday, August 31, 2024

Slept in

I slept in. Rested. A meme told me recently something about when you go through the experience of releasing long held tensions you will find yourself in need of sleep. Lots of it. Does that explain the last (how many now?) years? A hummingbird was perched on a branch outside the slider watching and waiting for me to refill the feeders. It was very still and seemed to have been waiting long. The feeders were emptied a few days ago. Sugar water for them and spinach, mushrooms, tomatoes and eggs for me. They look good together in the frying pan. As I'm watching the eggs firm, I'm thinking of a friend far away, a still young and beautiful woman, who told me she's never spooned. The outside air feels cooler when I put the feeders out. The leaves on the oaks behind the house are thinner and tarnishing. I make a list of neglected tasks. Dry. Dull. As a younger man, you think, the two of you would melt together and sleep the quiet morning away, skin to skin, in a beautiful peace. 

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