Sunday, April 10, 2022

It's going to be ok (right?)

Sunday. I worked the overnight shift last night and am doing another one tonight. Driving in, there was fog the entire way through two river valleys. I managed not to run over a cottontail. 

When I arrived, there was a sad girl with a cut arm waiting. She was forthright, earnest, help-seeking. Looking into her eyes made me remember something I was told a long time ago, back when I first started working with kids with challenging behavior. 

No matter how bad it looks, you've got to be able to envision them doing well. You have to be able to see something better for them in order for them to believe that something better is possible. I believed that. It became a big part of my practice.

I tried to put that thought out of my mind last night. It hurt to remember that  because it's become so hard for me to imagine something better - for any of us. 

That's some really engaging cocktail party conversation right there. Do you see why I don't go out much?

I walked for five miles in the woods this afternoon. It felt both good and uncomfortable to get out and move a little. I noticed somewhat of a lift in my spirits at about the turn around point. Endorphins. I could use a few more of those in my life.

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