Saturday, December 24, 2022

Christmas eve this year

I ate breakfast this morning in a diner feeling thankful that it was open on Christmas Eve. I thanked the hostess for being here. She smiled. Things were going well until the sometimes annoying owner became annoying with his sideways political commentary. 

I found myself getting that flat, grim feeling I get when a situation has to be either exited or endured. I wasn't finished eating yet so I put on my don't-talk-to-me face and endured.

I've unplugged from a lot of people and things that have caused me annoyance over the last few years. If you're going to take that course of action, I'd recommend replacing whatever you unplug from with something else. Preferably something that brings you joy. Otherwise, you're left with a lot of silence and just your self. And that can be pretty annoying too.

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