Monday, March 11, 2024


In the dream, I was walking along an old cart road. I noticed a crease in the earth off to the side and felt compelled to lay my body down in it. I laid the stone on my chest and folded my hands over my stomach. The crease was deep enough to hide my body completely. I tried to let go of everything and just let the Earth hold me. 

I was thinking of how living in this world means bearing your own weight and how there's always some pain inherent in doing so. It makes sense to travel as lightly as possible then. To leave behind any optional weight. Optional pain. 

I was looking up through the tree tops at the brilliant blue sky. The trees arms were spread wide and stretching upward. They were showing me how to let it go into the sky. Into the sun.

After a while, the Earth began to feel cold. A chill was seeping into my body. Cold like death is cold. And with that I stood, picked up my stone, my essential weight, and moved briskly up the road. 

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