Saturday, May 11, 2024

Well, that was awkward

I was out with a younger man and we were flirting with an even younger woman. Before long I realized I was not really a factor in the flirtation. The younger man introduced the even younger woman to another young man who happened to take a seat at the table beside us. They sat down at a table together. The newly arrived young man had feathers tied in his hair. He was talking and he made an assertion of some sort that contained the words, "bullshit teeth." Bullshit teeth is good,  I said, awarding the young man a point for originality. I'd forgotten the fact  that I myself wanted to be with the young woman who was not even remotely interested in me and started to root for the young man with the feathers. But then he apparently began farting silently which embarrassed the girl, who asked him aloud to stop, but he was mortified and apparently couldn't. He finally just laid down flat upon the surface of the table. An older woman had come in by then with a boy of about ten. The woman directed the boy to give me three different green leaves and then she told me, rather assertively, to smell them. Each leaf had a floral scent subtly different from the other two. 

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