Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Act your age

Well, I had the pepperoni and hot honey pizza I was craving so fiercely during the diet tonight. I ate three slices and boxed the rest. No great shakes, honestly. I was unmoved. 

There was only one other man eating at the bar. He told me he was a truck driver, crane operator, mechanic and kick boxer. He said he was sixty-three but he looked to me like he was in is mid-40's. He told me growing up he used to tumble the neighborhood kids in his parent's dryer. He took credit for toughening them up. 

I did a lot of laughing during the hour I spent with him. I'd nearly forgotten what that feels like. 

The funniest story had to do with him and several same age friends consuming some sort of ghost pepper extract and suffering mightily a couple of months ago. He thinks he probably broke his stomach. The exact same sort of idiotic dares we took on as high school kids. Innocence endures.

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