Thursday, June 27, 2024


I didn't want to mention it because I'm a little superstitious about good things. To me, they're fragile and shy. Even just noticing them causes them to fly away. The weight of scrutiny and examination are too much for them to bear. 

A couple of days ago, I found myself feeling really good. I felt really good like that all day long. And that good feeling was not attached to another person or another person's actions. This hadn't happened often in recent years. 

I got out of bed at first light. I drank some water. I jogged about half a mile up the road to a field of mowed grass. I faced the rising sun and did four warm up exercises meant to expel internal negative energies and to get the stagnant energies moving through your body. Then I did some random calisthenics - ten rounds of 30 seconds of work followed by 30 seconds of catching my breath. Then I stood in the grass on bare feet and let the rising sun shine into my eyes. Earthing, some people call the barefoot thing. Grounding. Being in contact with the electromagnetic energy of the Earth. Sharing my energy with it. I started to say thank you to the Earth and the Sun which I could feel viscerally nourishing me. Then I just kept going saying thank you for so many other things. The song that sprang into me last week rose again and I started to sing. The grass was damp and cool under my feet and the air had a light sweet smell to it. A gift from the trees and plants. I started to speak affirmations out loud. They flowed naturally and easily. I spoke about what I wanted the day to look like. Then I sat in the grass for about ten minutes to get my stiff body used to seated meditation. When I'd done that, I ran back home. I stepped out of my clothes and into a cold shower. It was incredibly refreshing.

The rest of the day just seemed to flow. I got things done. I could focus. I didn't get drowsy or feel foggy all day long. Oppressive thoughts didn't move in.  I found myself singing, smiling a little bit, and moving more. 

It felt very good to be me for a change, and I savored the experience. 

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