Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Energy shifts

There's something different about the hummingbirds. They're much more visible and active - darting and zig-zagging around the sliders - and they let me get closer without flying off. There are at least three of them. I'm wondering if Reiki has anything to do with this. 

The place where I received my training has deer in the yard. The night I arrived, there were two fawns and their mothers on the front lawn. That's how I identified the house. 

I'm going to start practicing remotely. I put the word out on Facebook that I'm providing free remote Reiki treatments to receptive people in exchange for the experience. I've received at least ten responses overnight and a couple of plugs for Reiki from people who've received or provide Reiki. 

There are a number of synchronicities that have occurred over the years which have led me to this. Several apparently disconnected threads have been entwined in a braid. 

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